Our Hardware design services can be broadly classified in 3 categories.
Chip Level Product Design
Board Level Product Design
Reduced Footprint Product Design
Chip Level Product Design
We specialize in Chip level Product Design Support spanning all the way from Feasibility study of Product Concept and Substrate/IC Package Design, SLT Board, Quality & Reliability Boards, up to Reference Design Boards, Eval boards and even board level product. We are a perfect solution for start-up organizations who do not want to invest time and money in buying expensive HW design/simulation tools and personnel, piling on overhead expenditure, but rely on resources who already have all the know-how and tools and are reliable enough to work with them on project-by-project basis. We can design entire Hardware for the chip development program or can focus on any single/multiple level aspect of it.
Board Level Product Design
We have extensive experience in converting a concept to a final product. We hear the customer out, convert the idea into MRD (Marketing Requirement Document) and PRD (Product Requirement Document), and then move onto the design phase drawing schematics and layout with simulations and mechanical/thermal analysis, if required. We then wrap this up with PCB fab and Assembly followed by the bringup and Validation and eventually final sign-off.
Reduced Footprint Product Design
We consider ourselves specialist in combining multiple technologies together to create a product with reduced footprint. This not only simplifies the System Level Design from end customer point of view, but helps achieve faster time to market for the main product. Have experience combining PHY and FPGA silicon together inside one package. Have combined PHY and ICM together producing much compact footprint for the PHY+ICM solution.